In this article, we provide more information about student-athlete Hester van der Lek. Additionally, you will find at the bottom of this article the video in which Hester shares more about herself.

Sports: Women’s Soccer

Entry semester: Fall 2025

Hester is 15 years old, hails from Groningen, and lives there with her father, mother, and brother.

Since she was 6 years old, Hester has been playing soccer. She has played as a goalkeeper for a few years and as a field player for a few years. In America, Hester will further develop herself as a goalkeeper.

Hester cares deeply about other people; she supports her classmates, friends, and family in all situations. Hester takes charge when necessary, and she is very resilient to stress. In terms of soccer, she has good game insight, which comes from combining her experience in both goalkeeping and field play.

In America, Hester hopes to become a better version of herself, improve her English, and further develop herself as a goalkeeper. She will also always be there for her teammates and ensure that everyone feels comfortable.

“I will always try to maximise my potential”
Hester van der Lek

Would you like to see more of Hester? Watch the video below where she introduces herself.