In this article, we will tell you more about student-athlete Sven Band, in addition, at the bottom of this article you will find the video in which Svem tells a bit more about himself.

Sports: Volleyball
Entry semester: Fall 2024

Sven (2006) followed in his parents footsteps and started playing volleyball 10 years ago. He first attended Judo and soccer but when he discovered volleyball he was completely sold. Sven enjoys playing in teams, is a social person and likes to learn from others.

Sven wants to make the most of his life both athletically and in school. It would be a dream for Sven to be able to work as an ambulance nurse and continue to play volleyball at the highest level possible. Sven accepts everyone as they are and with this he also wants to bring the team as a whole closer together.

Sven sees himself as an addition to a team. He gives everything during his practices and matches and with his helpfulness he tries to motivate teammates through his complete dedication.

“By accepting everyone as they are, I try to bring the team closer together.”

Sven Band

Would you like to see more from Sven? Then check out the video below where he introduces himself.