In this article we tell you more about student-athlete Teun de Groot, in addition, at the bottom of this article you will find the video in which Teun tells more about himself.

Sports: Golf
Entry semester: Fall 2023

16-year-old Teun de Groot first played field hockey and tennis for a long time before discovering golf. He received golf lessons for his 11th birthday as a present from his grandfather and knew immediately that golf was a great sport for him.

Teun is a social boy who likes to be with his friends but can also be good on his own. He is determined and adventurous. Therefore he is very much looking forward to his adventure in the United States.

In tennis he sometimes got angry when he lost or did not play well, but over the years he has learned to stay calm. This is now reflected on his golfing game, he has more control over his game and in his swing.

Teun can’t wait to train in America with the nice facilities. He is looking forward to getting to know new people and new cultures. He will treat everyone with respect. He is a determined player but wants to make it a fun experience for those around him through his humor.

“I will try to be the best student I can and help others if needed.”

Teun de Groot

Would you like to see more about Teun? Check out the video below where he introduces himself!