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  • College sports in the US? Schedule your free meeting with us now!

Slamstox helps students combine their passion for sports with studying at top universities in Europe! Do you dream of studying in Scotland or in the middle of Rome, for example, while continuing to play sports at a high level?

Playing sports and studying at a boarding school in America is a great step for students who do not yet want to or cannot go to college. Enjoy American facilities and intense sports culture as a gap year, or to best prepare for your college adventure.

Slamstox helps returning student-athletes take the first step in their social careers because student-athletes are mega interesting for the Dutch job market. Check out our collaborations or contact us to see what we can do for you in your career!

Want to boost your professional sports career? Slamstox helps athletes with marketing, commercial contracts and sponsorships. From NIL deals to partnerships. Together we build your branding as an athlete.

An insight into U.S. college tennis expenditures

If you have read some of our previous articles, you will know that U.S. college sports generate a lot of money. Especially college football and college basketball are highly lucrative. For each university, these two sports bring in millions of dollars, which are spent on universities’ other sports programs such as soccer, tennis or track and field.

In 2019, The U.S. Department of Education released a document that shows the 2017 college tennis expenditures of 279 men’s and women’s tennis programs. Added up, the universities spent over 409 million dollars on college tennis! The money was spent in forms of athletic scholarships, coaches’ salaries, and operational expenses such as gear, travel and facilities.

The top men’s tennis program spender was Wake Forest University at $1,813,073.00. Wake Forest finished the 2018/2019 season at #2 in the country.

Wake Forest Tennis Facility

The top women’s program spender was Vanderbilt University at $1,607,583.00. Vanderbilt finished the 2018/2019 season at #8 in the country.

Vanderbilt Tennis Facility

Our very own Slamstox tennis players Sander Jong, who plays at Texas Christian University, and Laurens Verboven, who played at University of Southern California, both are lucky enough to play for a school with an incredible budget of over 1 million dollars per year!

Do you, just like them, want to combine your sport and studies at a university in the United States? Contact us and let’s start living the dream!

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