Floor Peerbooms

Floor is a motivated central defender for Berkel-Enschot U18-1. She is looking forward to joining a college field hockey program in the Fall of 2024.

Floor Peerbooms

Floor is a motivated central defender for Berkel-Enschot U18-1. She is looking forward to joining a college field hockey program in the Fall of 2024.


About Floor Peerbooms


Floor has been playing at one of the higher levels of Dutch youth hockey (Topklasse/Subtopklasse/Eerste Klasse) at the first teams of MHC HOCO for most of her career. Floor is generally seen as one of the go-to players on her team by coaches and teammates. To challenge herself athletically, Floor tried out for a higher level team nearby (Berkel Enschot U18-1) 1 and was selected to join this team for the 2023-2024 season.

Playing style

Floor is a solid central defender with the ability to move the ball with pace and find open teammates. She has a powerful hit and great vision, allowing her to reach open teammates high up the field. She also has the poise to transfer the ball and wait for open spaces. Floor  knows when to go with speed and run by the first line of the opponent’s press. She is a patient defender, keeps her stick low to the ground, and knows how to use her body to force turnovers in a 1v1 and 2v1 setting. Additionally, Floor has a strong insert on APCs and is great at positioning herself after inserting for rebounds. This has resulted in quite some goals.

Additional information

Floor has been selected team captain twice in the past 4 years, challenging her in developing her coaching, communication and leadership skills. She understands the importance of coaching and collaboration and always tries to coach and motivate her teammates around her.


Floor is expected to graduate Dutch high school (HAVO) in June 2024. She is expected to take the SAT and Duolingo in the Fall of 2023.

Floor is eager to join a motivated college field hockey program in the Fall of 2024. If you are interested in more information about Floor, please contact our field hockey specialist Marle, at marle@slamstox.com

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Floor's details

  • Sport:  Field Hockey
  • Entry semester:  Fall 2024
  • Country:  Netherlands
  • GPA:  3.3
  • SAT:  930
  • TOEFL:  N/A
  • Duolingo:  110

Floor's videos

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