Maud Scholten

Maud Scholten, born in 's-Hertogenbosch in 2006, is a promising left-handed tennis player hailing from the Netherlands. Her strengths lie in her ability to execute variety shots, hit precise angles, and unleash heavy spin shots, which often catch her opponents off-guard. Additionally, Maud's agility and court coverage make her a formidable mover on the court, enabling her to chase down and retrieve difficult shots.

Maud Scholten

Maud Scholten, born in 's-Hertogenbosch in 2006, is a promising left-handed tennis player hailing from the Netherlands. Her strengths lie in her ability to execute variety shots, hit precise angles, and unleash heavy spin shots, which often catch her opponents off-guard. Additionally, Maud's agility and court coverage make her a formidable mover on the court, enabling her to chase down and retrieve difficult shots.


About Maud Scholten

Maud's commitment to both academics and sports is impressive. She is currently pursuing her education at Gymnasium Beekvliet at the VWO level, the highest in the Netherlands. Expected to graduate in May 2024, Maud has her sights set on joining a college tennis team in the Fall of the same year. Her dedication to both her studies and tennis showcases her discipline and determination to succeed both on and off the court.

Despite her impressive skill set, Maud is constantly seeking to improve her game. One aspect she aims to work on while being in the States is her patience during points. She aspires to build up each rally, waiting for the perfect opportunity to take control and finish the point decisively. By developing more patience and strategic thinking.

Another area of focus for Maud is her forehand. While already a potent weapon, she aims to make it even more dangerous and confident, allowing her to dictate play and put her opponents under constant pressure. With dedication and hard work, Maud believes her forehand can become her ultimate weapon on the court.

Aside from her achievements in tennis, Maud has an intriguing background. In the past, she managed to balance playing field hockey at a high level in the Netherlands alongside her tennis commitments. However, driven by her passion for tennis and the need to manage her time effectively, she made the tough decision to focus solely on tennis.

Some of her best results so far:

Win over Iva Marinkovic (8.70 UTR) 64 63

Win over Nouk Kleinenberg (7.72 UTR) 64 64

Win over Megan Caffin (8.17 UTR) 26 62 10-7

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Maud's details

  • Sport:  Women's Tennis
  • Entry semester:  Fall 2024
  • Country:  Netherlands
  • GPA:  3.31
  • SAT:  1020
  • TOEFL:  N/A
  • Duolingo:  N/A

Maud's videos

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