Senna Exalto

Senna Exalto (2004) is a real powerhouse. Standing tall and robust with his 6'5, Senna's prowess lies in his formidable strength, a quality that enables him to effortlessly command the ball on the field, even when facing much older opponents. His speed is a vital asset, a crucial attribute in the realm of soccer where quickness can often be the differentiating factor. While possessing a keen eye for shooting, Senna humbly acknowledges that there's always room for enhancement in this area. Senna, having successfully completed his final exams in the Netherlands, is now seeking an ambitious program in Fall 2024 that will not only elevate his academic standing but also propel him toward greater achievements.

Senna Exalto

Senna Exalto (2004) is a real powerhouse. Standing tall and robust with his 6'5, Senna's prowess lies in his formidable strength, a quality that enables him to effortlessly command the ball on the field, even when facing much older opponents. His speed is a vital asset, a crucial attribute in the realm of soccer where quickness can often be the differentiating factor. While possessing a keen eye for shooting, Senna humbly acknowledges that there's always room for enhancement in this area. Senna, having successfully completed his final exams in the Netherlands, is now seeking an ambitious program in Fall 2024 that will not only elevate his academic standing but also propel him toward greater achievements.


About Senna Exalto

General Senna Exalto, born in 2004, stands as a towering presence in both academia and the soccer field, boasting a height of 6'5. His athletic journey has been marked by an impressive display of strength and agility, enabling him to assert control on the soccer pitch, even when challenged by older adversaries. Speed is a defining aspect of his playstyle, complementing his sharp shooting skills, though Senna remains committed to continuous improvement in this area.

Academics Beyond his athletic feats, Senna is a determined academic achiever. Having completed his final exams in the Netherlands, he now seeks an ambitious academic program for Fall 2024, aiming not just for excellence but also for personal growth and achievement. His academic journey is characterized by a commitment to striving for the highest standards, mirroring his dedication on the soccer field.Soccer On the soccer part, Senna towers on the soccer field at an imposing 6'5", a force to be reckoned with. His dominance stems from an exceptional blend of strength and agility, allowing him to effortlessly control the ball amidst much older opponents. Speed is his secret weapon, a critical asset in a sport where quickness often defines success. Though possessing a keen eye for goal-scoring, Senna remains dedicated to refining his shooting skills, recognizing the perpetual room for improvement.

His soccer journey is a tapestry woven with triumphs—his team's memorable 2-1 victory against Go Ahead Eagles in the semi-finals and a commendable second-place finish in the 2nd division (U15) stand as testaments to his prowess. Victories in the KNVB Cup, securing the Apeldoorn youth cup with AGOVV, and clinching the U16 division championship showcase Senna's knack for clinching triumphs at different levels. Despite setbacks like a torn ACL that sidelined him for a year, his return to the field was nothing short of heroic, scoring the crucial winning goal that saved his team from relegation.

Looking ahead, Senna's aspirations extend beyond the pitch. His ambition is to shine as one of the premier players in his team and potentially the league during his time in the US. Yet, post-US stint, a new chapter beckons—one that intertwines his passion for soccer with the pursuit of higher education, leaving him pondering the path that will best harmonize his athletic prowess with academic endeavors.

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Senna's details

  • Sport:  Men's Soccer
  • Entry semester:  Fall 2024
  • Country:  Netherlands
  • GPA:  2.43
  • SAT:  1070
  • TOEFL:  N/A
  • Duolingo:  N/A

Senna's videos

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