In this article, we will tell the story of student-athlete Sophie Korthuijs. Additionally, you can find the video at the end of this article where Sophie shares more about herself.

Sports: Golf
Entry semester: Fall 2024

Nineteen-year-old Sophie Korthuijs hails from Babyloniënbroek and embarked on her golfing journey at the age of eleven. Remarkably, by the time she was twelve, she had already secured a spot in the Dutch selection, marking the beginning of a lasting connection with golf in her life.

Sophie is quite enthusiastic and doesn’t settle for anything less than her best effort. This drive leads her to put in a considerable amount of hard work. She dedicates a significant amount of time to training, which translates to her endurance during competitions. She maintains a high level of focus and commits herself fully until the last hole is played.

During her time in America, Sophie aims to elevate her golf skills to a global level. She also hopes to secure victories in individual tournaments, contribute to team success, and simultaneously pursue a degree in law. After her college experience, her aspiration is to compete in the LPGA in the United States or alternatively, participate in the Ladies European Tour (LET) in Europe.

”Wat mij bijzonder maakt als persoon, is dat ik best wel fanatiek ben. Ik kan niet iets half doen, daardoor werk ik ook hard.”

Sophie Korthuijs

Would you like to learn more about Sophie? Watch the video below where she introduces herself.